Friday, March 9, 2012

The Benefits of Doing Thorough Background ... - Jobs - EzineMark

There are three main benefits to conducting systematic background checks on potential employees. In order to verify educational accomplishments, work histories and credit worthiness, companies should make the investment in insuring that potential hires are not lying about where they went to college, when and who they worked for or their credit score.

With the utter explosion of for profit colleges, the ubiquitous nature of questionable online colleges and universities and even with the sudden proliferation old fashioned diploma mills, in this digital age, it is more important now than ever before to verify that potential hires have truly earned the degrees listed on their resumes or curriculum vitaes. A person under consideration for hire could have earned a doctorate in economics but that degree could have been awarded from an online university that is not accredited by any of the national accreditation associations.

A professional, methodical background check will uncover this type of vital information.

A second reason for conducting background checks on potential hires is to corroborate their professed work history. Before the complete collapse of the and housing bubbles, many people held jobs with companies that are no longer in existence. This has given license for some people to exaggerate or completely lie about their previous job titles and or responsibilities. Rather than worry about the veracity of such claims, your best is to hire a professional firm to sort fact from fiction in terms of the work history of people under consideration for employment.

Lastly, a meticulous credit check can be very revealing about the character of a person under consideration for employment.

This type of background check can be used to cross reference work history with addresses, check for any sort of bankruptcies, civil judgments lodged against someone, failures to pay child support and or for delinquent credit card payments. Once a verification of the candidate's work history, education accomplishments and a complete credit check has been ethically and scrupulously conducted then a more holistic picture of the candidate's integrity will emerge. With this information in hand, employers can then make a more informed decision in terms of whether or not to make a job offer.


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