Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How Can I Find a Coffee Shop That'll Actually Let Me Sit and Work for Awhile?

How Can I Find a Coffee Shop That'll Actually Let Me Sit and Work for Awhile? Dear Lifehacker,
I read about why working from a coffee shop can be good for you, but not every coffee shop?or coffee shop customer?welcomes someone with a laptop who just wants to sit next to the window and do some work, even if they're buying drinks and paying all day. How can I find a coffee shop with plentiful Wi-Fi and power outlets, where the business and the customers appreciate my presence?

Caffeinated Worker

Dear Caffeinated Worker,
We've encountered many more coffee shops that are more than happy to have a paying customer in their seat all day than someone who just grabs a cup, sneers at everyone with their laptops, and then leaves, so don't worry too much about the customers. Still, some coffee shops are better for working than others, and some coffee shops have fewer of those annoying patrons than others. Here's how to find the ones that are most conducive to work, and will appreciate you sticking around multiple cups of coffee and sandwiches all day.

Differentiate Between "Coffee Shop" and "Cafe"

How Can I Find a Coffee Shop That'll Actually Let Me Sit and Work for Awhile? One thing I learned living in Europe when I was younger was that not everywhere in the world has the same get in/get your stuff/get out culture that many places here in the United States have. Some of it comes from the fact that we're all busy people, some of it comes from restaurants with high rent to pay looking to make the most money off of every seat they have, so churning them over is the best way to do it. Still, it's not too hard to find someplace that's more than happy to let you sit back and enjoy your time there as opposed to rush you out as soon as possible. The first thing you need to do is differentiate between those kind of "table churning" places and actual cafes that appreciate their customers?not just their business. Photo by Charleston's TheDigitel.

Wherever you go though, you should follow some basic rules of etiquette when working in a coffee shop, like buying drinks and food every few hours, tipping well, resisting the urge to spread all of your stuff out over multiple seats, and using headphones when you need to listen to audio. Taking your phone calls outdoors instead of chatting loudly around other customers is a big one too. Being kind and courteous to everyone around you goes a long way towards creating a better environment for others working or just relaxing and enjoying a cup of coffee, and pushes off the criticism of the "go home and work" crowd.

Avoid Chains Unless You Find a Good Location

How Can I Find a Coffee Shop That'll Actually Let Me Sit and Work for Awhile? It's tempting to just set up shop in your local Starbucks or Panera: they usually have plenty of outlets, comfortable seating, and some of them may even be large enough that you won't be in anyone's way (and no one will be in yours,) but unless you find a specifically awesome one, avoid them. Chain coffee shops and cafes tend to be the kind of "table churn" places that want you out as soon as possible so they can get someone else into the seat. For example, these are the places that limit their Wi-Fi use to a half-hour, or only have a few outlets in the back. Essentially, unless you find a location that's particularly well known as welcome to people with laptops, the clock starts ticking as soon as you get your order. Photo by Mark Warner.

Of course, your mileage may vary: some locations, even chains, would rather have one customer buying multiple drinks and dishes over the course of a few hours than one who just pops in for a cup of drip and then leaves. If you know of one, or a particularly large location where you can blend in easily, go for it. Still, there are better options out there.

Expand Your Search Beyond Coffee Shops

How Can I Find a Coffee Shop That'll Actually Let Me Sit and Work for Awhile? Some of the best locations in my town for people looking to kick back with their laptop, do a little work or get some writing done, and enjoy a few cups of coffee or a sandwich aren't coffee shops at all, specifically. Hit Yelp or Google Maps and expand your search beyond "coffee shops" and look for restaurants, bookstores, and cafes. For example, one of my favorite DC places to sit down with a laptop is a place called Busboys and Poets, which is part restaurant, part bookstore, and part coffee shop. There are plenty of comfortable couches and lounge areas (free Wi-Fi and plentiful power outlets, too!) as well as dining tables, and the atmosphere is warm and inviting for people looking to grab a meal or sit down for a few hours with their laptop open and a few cups of coffee. Photo by Daniel Lobo.

Some of the best places to sit down with a laptop and clean out your inbox or put on headphones while you grade papers are the type you'd never guess from their name alone. I've visited several restaurants with bars, tables, lounge spaces, couches, outlets to share, and free Wi-Fi that are designed to accommodate all types of patrons. Look for restaurants with lounge spaces and Wi-Fi, and have that kind of healthy buzz that's good for your creativity. I could name a half-dozen in my area that aren't coffee shops, but restaurants that also have the seating, space, outlets, and accommodations for someone who wants to stay for several hours. Plus, at places like these you're less likely to run into someone irritated they can't get a table because someone else is there with a laptop or is reading a book.

How Can I Find a Coffee Shop That'll Actually Let Me Sit and Work for Awhile? That's not to say you should leave coffeehouses out of the picture. Many, especially independent locations, are more than happy to have you around. Look for independently owned shops in your community that are highly regarded, and check if they have free Wi-Fi. It's not a universal signal that you'd be welcome for a while, but it's a good first step. Read the reviews to see if others describe it as a good place to relax for a while. If the location has the seating, the outlets, and the Wi-Fi, they may be more than happy to welcome you. Photo by Antony Mayfield.

Drop In for a Cup and Scope the Place Out

Sometimes the best way to tell what the atmosphere is like is to go check it out. Stop by for a cup of coffee and see what the place looks like before you decide to work there one day. Grab a bite to eat and sit down for a while, just to see how the traffic in and out of the place is. You'll be able to tell pretty quickly if it's a turnover place or a destination for people who want to stay a while and relax. You'll also be able to tell whether there's power, space for your laptop, Wi-Fi, or signal for your 3G/4G modem or phone. Most importantly, you'll be able to tell if the location is frequented by or run by people who would rather you be in and out or the type who won't mind either way. You can test the atmosphere and the menu all at the same time. If you've stumbled on something great, come back with your laptop next time.

Call and Ask. Seriously!

How Can I Find a Coffee Shop That'll Actually Let Me Sit and Work for Awhile? Sometimes the direct approach is the best. Just call up the location one afternoon and ask the manager whether they're okay with people sticking around for a few hours and getting some work done, or if they get a lot of people on their laptops around here. Few places will outright tell you no and most will be noncommittal in their answers, but you'll know the great ones when the staff or manager go out of their way to tell you how plenty of people come in to work a while, or to enjoy the free Wi-Fi. Ask about whether there are time limits on their Wi-Fi, and whether there's a place to plug in your laptop. You'll really know you've stumbled on a great place if?as happened to me once?a manager responds to your question by offering you their "buy five drinks get one free" card, or says "we have tons of outlets, come on over!" Some businesses still value repeat, dedicated customers, and if you make it clear that's the type of person you want to be, you'll usually be welcome. Photo by David Goehring.

Use Word of Mouth

Look for coffee shops and cafes near coworking centers. Coworking centers are great options for remote workers, but they're still office environments. Sometimes you might catch the people who normally work at a coworking center at the coffee shop, bar, or cafe down the street getting away from the fuss at the office. Similarly, if you work in an office, ask your coworkers if they camp out at coffee shops from time to time, and see if they have a favorite venue with great atmosphere. Great coffee and good food don't hurt either.

Finding a place to camp out with your laptop for a few hours isn't hard?it's finding a place that's warm and inviting that's the tricky part. You may have never had a bad experience in your local chain coffee spot, and if that's the case, enjoy it! If you're looking for a new place, or one where there are more people like you than sneering at you for taking up space, look for independent coffeehouses, restaurants, bookstores with coffee shops or cafes attached, or lounges that cater to the connected crowd with free wi-fi and individual booths or tables.

Essentially, look for places where people like you congregate. There are probably more in your community than you might realize, and once you find one, you'll be much happier. Once you're there, remember our tips on how to stay productive and our guide to coffee shop etiquette, and you'll fit right in.

Good luck,

Title image made using carlo dapino (Shutterstock).

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/LVWym49oVI0/how-can-i-find-a-coffee-shop-thatll-actually-let-me-sit-and-work-for-awhile

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