Let?s dive into what you need to know about betting baseball. Many people shy away from betting on MLB baseball games simply because they don?t offer point spread lines. However, betting baseball gives extremely good betting opportunities. The Vegas ?money line? is used to create these great betting odds.
You may be asking, what exactly are ?money lines? and why are they so beneficial.
The total amount of games that are played each day is a good way to start. Not like football at all, you can expect baseball to be played every single day during the season. During all star break will be the only time where you see no games being played.
This is the sole reason why you can get good lines from Vegas line makers, there are simply to many games to look through. Many late injuries and other vital information comes in late, which makes life difficult for the folks in Vegas who make the lines. Sometimes you will notice a line move significantly right after action has been placed. This may be due to late information that came in shortly after the line was set. These are a few things that sports betters need to look at before placing their wager.
This might be the most important step to follow when wagering on any baseball game. When you look to find a place to take your wagers, make sure they are providing ?10 cent? odds. When everything is all said and done, using these types of betting lines will save you a ton of money.
Below is an example of what a ?10 cent? line is.
?10 cent? line
Boston Red Sox +130
New York Yankees -120
?20 cent? line
Tampa Bay Rays +125
New York Yankees -145
You will see a ton of online sportsbooks and local bookies take advantage of these betting lines. Find the sportsbook that is offering the best money lines available.
This is exactly the reason how Vegas will guarantee themselves a nice profit. As described above, there are an equal amount of money put on both sides of the wager. Regardless of who wins the game, they will guaranteed themselves a nice little profit.
Let?s get to the fun stuff of baseball betting. Before selecting our winning pick, what do we need to know?
You may be thinking ?no kidding? pitching is important. Still however, this get?s overlooked by so many people. Many sports betters will look at the overall statistics of the team, not the pitcher. This is nothing like other sports where they count on team play, baseball starts & ends with overall pitching. Besides the catcher, the starting pitcher handles the ball the most, which is an average of one hundred times per game.
So now I hope you realize how important pitching is when wagering on baseball games? Finding valuable lines when looking at pitching will come very easy. This couldn?t be more of a true fact when the team you bet on is playing against a large baseball market like Boston or New York. Like we wrote earlier in this article. It doesn?t matter who wins the game in Vegas, they just want equal amounts of money on both sides. What teams do most sports people wager on, that is the most popular team. I hope you can now see how valuable it is to bet on pitching, rather than team play.
Hitting Streaks ? (2nd most important)
Individual hitting streaks rarely get looked into by people who bet on baseball. Instead, they look at how a team in general is doing. While individual player statistics should be handicapped. Make sure you don?t fall into this trap. Make certain you do your homework and understand what each player is doing on the field. You may come across a team where the best player isn?t performing at his best and is slumping badly, make sure to not bet this team. Even if the pitcher has healthy stats, it doesn?t matter, you can?t win a game that?s 1-0.
Before you make your decision, be certain to look at hitting streaks. What do you think will happen if a poor hitting baseball team has their best player struggling at the plate?
The same thing applies to the team that has a player that?s crushing the ball at the plate. Great betting value will take place if you have a player that?s hitting the ball extremely well. Not like any other sport, baseball is a hand- eye game. Sometimes players perception can be off, or on. Make sure you check to see how each individual player is performing prior to placing your wager.
Behind Home Plate Umps
You be thinking to yourself, who the hell cares who is umping the game. Figuring out which umpire is behind home plate is very important. A few umps are very strict on how they call the game Umpires that offer strict strike zones, will give pitchers that rely on location a difficult time. It even becomes worse for the pitcher if the team he is pitching against has patience at the plate.
These above steps are very important when you first start betting on baseball games. If used correctly, these steps will drastically improve your betting success.
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